K-Magic 2 cannot be switched onThe unit may be idle for an extended period of time. Please try recharging the unit. For charging instructions and battery maintenance, please visit this link.
K-Magic 2 is displaying other languagesK-Magic 2 has four language settings (Cantonese, English, Japanese, Mandarin). To reset your language settings, please follow these steps:

1. With the power off, press and hold the on/off button until the language selection menu appears.

2. Use the touch screen to select language, then press the checkmark to confirm your selection.
Press 'RED' button at the back to 'RESET' message shown on screenPlease follow these steps to reset your unit:

1. Use any thin object to press the red reset button on the back of your unit.

2. Power on your unit again.
Blank screen appears after K-Magic 2 is swtiched on
K-Magic 2 is frozen
Screen displaying Red (or other colors)
Screen showing a cross sign/plus sign
Other software issues
Noise in speakersTry turning the volume down.